My son had his tonsils removed at 2. The absolute BEST thing we ever did. His tonsils were almost touching when he opened his mouth really big. We never had problems with strep, tonsillitis, but he was a BIG snorer. I just happen to look in his mouth when he came up to me and opened his mouth to playfully scream. We got referred to an ENT and had them taken out like a week later.
The recovery time they said is 10 days and that's for it to be completely done with the scabs falling off. He went in at 7am and we were home by like 2 at the latest. Days 1-3 weren't bad, but day 4 he was really whiney due to the throat hurting. Now here comes my forewarning: Several of my friends who's little ones had their tonsils taken out, the anathesia that is used caused them to have night terrors that can last up to 6 months. That was BY FAR the worst thing coming out of the tonsil and adenoid removal.
Since we've had it done, he has been sick like once and it was with a cold and he is about to be 5. He sleeps better at night also. In fact I got so used to the snoring, that after they came out, I had to keep going in there and checking on him because I was worried that he wasn't breathing.
If you aren't comfortable with pushing for the removal when your dentist thinks they should come out, I would talk to her pediatrician. Our pedi is the one who suggested that he go to an ENT.
If you have any other questions, feel free to PM and I'll answer any and all questions that you might have.