Toddler Ear Pain vs Teething Pain vs Something Else?

Updated on March 25, 2011
M.U. asks from Tampa, FL
9 answers

My 21 month old has been turning his head down to his left shoulder and whining periodically over the past week. I can't figure out if it's earache, teething, or something else. He was diagnosed with an ear infection in his Right ear last week and started on antibiotics. He was seen again by pedi 3 days after starting AB and pedi said his right ear did not look infected by had a little fluid. He thoroughly checked his Left ear (I told him I noticed he may have pain on the left side), but he assuredly said there was no infection in the Left ear and no fluid. We finished AB yesterday, but he keeps complaining about his left side. It seems to come and go - no problems for a couple of days and whining again this morning. His molars have been coming in, so I thought it may be that? Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks for your advice!

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So What Happened?

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. We've been giving him ibuprofen when he's complained and that worked. We also took him to pedi on Friday and the doc said he has a viral infection in his throat which sometimes can cause ear pain. He was prescribed ear drops to be used as needed. He hasn't complained in 2 days and has been well. We are taking him back for re-check on Wed.

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answers from Boston on

My youngest always rubbed, pulled his ears when teething we have gone yo the ped so many times just to hear it's teeth.

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answers from Cincinnati on

Im not 100% positive, but if you just finished your AB's then I would def rule out an ear infection...Give him some Tylenol or Iburprofin just in case its teeth pain.
I will say my 27 month old keeps saying "mommy this hurts...I GO SEE DOCTOR" she loves to go to the doctor and gettin the attention of the nurses, doc and mommy and daddy and of course the stickers at the end.
As long as he doesnt have a cold, he should be fine. those molars are a pain and seem to take forever to come in...Next time he says it hurts, you could try and give him ice chips or a freezy pop and watch him eat it...if he naws on it in the back..then you will know its tooth pains.

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answers from San Diego on

M. I would have him checked again, one of my friends little girls got an ear infection every time she cut a tooth. It's a hassle some times to have to keep taking them back to the doctors, but even they can miss something. J.

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answers from New York on

If he finished AB, he should no longer have an ear infection. However, the fluid in his ears could still be there. Our pedi explained that while that's not painful, it could be uncomfortable. Our toddler was pretty fussy for the week or two he had fluid in his ears, until it passed. It could be teeth... have you tried giving him tylenol?



answers from Houston on

i would get a second opinion from an ent on his ears that sounds like ears and i have been through it on more than one kid



answers from Tampa on

Please make sure you put him on probiotics to make up for the problems of having been on antibiotics- statistically having been on antibiotics means he'll have another infection- you can help prevent that w/ the probiotics.
Secondly find a Webster chiropractor and have him checked- maybe a problem with the nerve supply in his neck- anddrugs don't do anything to handle that.
best, k



answers from Denver on

Could definitely be molars. Is he waking at night? I would try some ibubrofen and watch the ears. Since he just finsihed the AB, if they worked, it's not his ears. If he gets a fever again, I'd bring him back to have his ears checked. Good luck - molars are NO FUN and they can take while to come in : )



answers from Philadelphia on

Every time my daughter got one of her molars she would have moments when she'd tilt her head toward her shoulder(depending on which side hurt) and whine or tug at that ear. That was when I'd break out the teething tablets and the motrin. Hope your little guy feels better soon!



answers from Boca Raton on

Teething and life in general can be painful. Find a chiropractor in your neighborhood and get regular adjustments. This will help.
Also, a clean frozen wash cloth to gnaw on will ease the pain.
Best, S.

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