My daughter had her first tooth at 3 months. Yes, your child could be teething. pediatricians aren't Dentists so they only have a little bit more knowledge in that area than the general public. When the time comes for dental appointments make sure you find a Pediatric Dentist. They are specialist in baby teeth and children's teeth. Your insurance provider can give you a list of them in your area. Ours is over 125 miles away but SOOOOO worth it. We have children's dentists much closer but a Pediatric Dentist is so much better.
My youngest grandson was found to be deaf at about 7 months old. He had ear surgery to put tubes in to see if that would help and the ORL doc found debris from old ear infections that were not treated, it took him nearly an hour to scrap all the gunk out of the canals. This baby had been to the doctor several times for fussiness and tugging at ears too. Oh, by the way, he's not deaf anymore. The debris was blocking sounds from getting in the Cochlea.
So I say take the baby to an ORL doc and have him checked out by a specialist in Eye, Ears, Nose and Throat.