I'm probably gonna get flamed for this response, but thought you could have another viewpoint to chew on. I disagree with most of the posters about letting the child cry it out, making sure she knows who's in charge, etc ESPECIALLY if it is hurting your heart. In our society, we women (especially women) are taught to use our heads instead of our instinct. Even an Ape would comfort her young if it was crying...why do we make it so hard on ourselves by 'teaching' our kids but making them cry in the process?
It's not about you working or feeling guilty...it's about the time you have with your daughter--if you don't get enough time with her during the day, why not spend more with her at night? I mean, after the ritual--bath and books--just lay in bed with her cuddling until she falls asleep? Then roll out of bed.
When babies (and kids) cry it raises their adrenalin, this keeps them awake longer (unless it's that wimpering cry that fades off to sleep)...seperation anxiety, fear of the dark, lonliness are all reasons to cry and when mom leaves and doesn't come back --or WORSE, PUNISHES--tells the kid that they are on their own--no one to rely on, no one to trust to help them.
I think we have a society that tells moms to ignore their instincts and 'train' kids to be independant. Unfortunately, pushing kids away doesn't boost independance, it actually does the opposite--kids become clingy.
So, hold your child close would be my advice. HELP her learn by continuing your ritual, but holding her close for that hour that is usually taken up by crying. You aren't losing any time, but you are helping her get more sleep.
For what it's worth, yes, I do sleep with my kids. We all pile in bed (4yo, 3mo old) and snuggle. Everyone falls asleep pretty quickly and we are all hugging and snuggling. Once the kids are asleep, my hubby and I can sneak off to the other bed if we want...or sometimes we just stay there. There is NOTHING this side of heaven like waking up to the sweet smiles of your children and hearing them say 'good morning mommy' ( or in the 3mo old's case "suck suck suck" hahahahahah)
I know Dr Phil is anti-cosleeping. But he is in the minority of many Drs (oddly, most of my Dr friends DO cosleep, but have to 'tout the company line' by saying 'cosleeping is dangerous' when the reality is that co sleeping is very safe if done right--no drugs, drinking, etc)...in fact, studies have shown that continuous touching during sleeping keeps the brain active at night which means more neurons are firing, and it increases intelligence. Also, in little babies (1st year) it helps keep SIDS at bay. They regulate their breathing off of moms breathing--this works also with baby in bassinet next to moms bed.
Ok--now I'm just defending co-sleeping...and I know that wasn't your question...sorry to get off on a rampage--I guess I'm just in defense mode since I expect to get flamed by telling you to lay next to your dear child until she falls asleep. Is it a bad habit? You could look at it that way, but only if you don't like laying next to your child. Do you think she would want you there when she is 8? Probably not. Definitely not at 10...so what's a few years of cuddling? There will come a day when all of us wish our babies were little again so we could hold them in our arms.
And...please excuse typos...I have a nursling in one arm and am trying to type one handed (left hand too!) :)
If you got to the bottom, thank you for reading. Again, just wanted to give another side/option that works for us.