Well I suppose we could go with a more specific descriptor before the TMI.... for example:
Poop TMI
Sex/Poop TMI - I think this is the one you were hoping for! ;)
Can't we come up with a different abbreviation for Gross TMI? or even J. put an additional letter in front of it
GTMI (gross)
STMU (stinky)
EYLBYRTMI (eat your lunch before you read)
Usually I see TMI and think "ohhh that's J. my cup of tea! That will get M. through the next hour at work!" then I open it up to wish I had taken that TMI warning to heart, because I find stories on bowel movements and then can’t stomach to eat lunch (lies I had a brownie for lunch=) )
I dont even stop reading once I see it's about what color poop came out of someone, because I keep hoping it will turn interesting and sexual?? yea I have problems because if that did turn sexual I would probably puke and then post about the color of that. It's like a train wreck. someone posts something I find gross I dont heed the warning (I dont find it gross they are talking about it and feel they should be able to btw) and I cant stop the reading once I start. I need to know why sara hasn't pooped for days. I keep waiting for the TMI thinking it will be because she stuck something up there she shouldnt have?? i know thats my problem though
I have a relative who tried it from behind and couldnt go to the bathroom for a week, so see this is why I think those stories will end up with the TMI I am interested in=)
I believe this will also help the prudish readers that like reading about poop but do not want to read about things being inserted into orifices
So do you have any thoughts on this rather undelicate subject?
Jo I agree I think it is overused and should J. state the subject..and also dont think poop is tmi moreso J. gross
heather i think they are very valid I J. think it covers too much so it doesnt actually help the reader (i was agreeing with you..i worded it wrong?) =)
i changed the word urget. i had a reason i put that in there. i was going to write it a diferent way=) anyway yes it is slow, and friday
Well I suppose we could go with a more specific descriptor before the TMI.... for example:
Poop TMI
Sex/Poop TMI - I think this is the one you were hoping for! ;)
When I see tmi, i assume some sort of bodily function question i may or not be in the right stomach frame to read. And yes, I like you am sometimes disappointed in the tmi :)
It already says "TMI." I think we have enough acronyms. ;-)
we should come up with abbreviations for you are overthinking this WAAAAY too much.
How did you know it was urgent?
Anyway, I think if someone needs help then this is the place to come. I think all topics are fine (although I'd like to see less politics) and if someone warns you with a TMI then they are being polite and honest and up front.
I tend to bypass the TMIs because I simply am rarely in the mood. Because yours was "urgent", I opened it, but as I read I was prepared to stop and shut it down immediately.
I guess the TMIs are valid; they J. usually come across when I'm not interested.
ETA: I didn't say that they lack validity. I said that I am not in the mood, interested.
Uhm...my thoughts? It's a really slow day at work for you today. :)
See I think I would J. make the title, poop there is it and let ya figure it out for yourself. :p
Thing is though if you are talking about poop I wouldn't consider a TMI label appropriate, that should have J. a gross label.
I don't know I guess I find the TMI label overused.
Yeah I think the subject matter should be clearly labeled. J. "TMI" isn't enough. Didn't we have a post a while back called "butt sex"? See, that's perfect.
Why is your post marked urgent? I usually wonder why the poster says TMI. the information is part of the question. It's only TMI if it's not needed, in my opinion. And the post is usually not gross, either. Bodily functions are not gross, IMO.
Perhaps they do put it in there so people will read it. chuckle A different way of looking at the term.
I think that if you put all those acronyms in there like that, you would have people clicking on the threads anyway J. to see what the acronym means. LoveTeachingMath has it right!
Oh my goodness, I'm trying to think of something to post...J. so I can put "EYLBYRTMI" in the title!
Thanks for making M. giggle today!
Thank you for the laugh!!
Hiliarious!!! I needed that.
When I see TMI, I figure its something shared that you really don't want to know about. Its stuff like when a co-worker shares in detail not leaving anything out about a doctors visit and you paint this image in your head and its nasty to even think about.
I actually open those and read them. I don't know why.