We eased my son into it. He doesn't do well with surprises, even the good kind, but we have had a lot of luck with weaning him in the past, and that was how we got him off the bottle, the swaddle, etc., too. I think it depends on the child, but I would NEVER do cold-turkey with my son. He would find it traumatic.
First, right after his two-year molars came in, we restricted it just to his bed, so if he wanted his paci, he could climb into bed to get it, but couldn't take it out. That worked really well, so after a while doing that, we began to explaining to him why his little sister could have a paci out and about, but he couldn't: pacies were for babies. It got to the point where he would tell other people that pacies were for babies. Then, when we felt it was time, right before he turned three (which was the point at which our pediatrician asked us to have him weaned), we removed the paci but gave him a chewy to suck on at night if he wanted it. It is big and bulky, difficult to keep in his mouth, and we would pull it out of his mouth and put it on the bedside table when he fell asleep. A couple of days like that, and we were coming into his room in the morning to see that he had never woken to put it back in his mouth. Then, one day, he couldn't find it, so he went to sleep without it. That process took less than a week. So we gathered them up and gave them to his sister. He asked about it once or twice, but fully accepted that pacies are for babies. It was an amazingly easy transition, without any trouble sleeping, any fussing, and I think we waited long enough that he did not switch to sucking his thumb, which was our big fear.
We haven't weaned my daughter yet, and we don't yet have a younger child, so I don't know how well the technique will work a second time. She is very different from our son in personality. But for our son, at least, the key was understanding how he thinks about things combined with watching for signals that he was ready. We'll try the same with our daughter, even if the process and timing are different.