Hi S., Becomeing a Foster Parent is very commendable, one problem they will most likely have is the ages of your son and daughter sharing a room, if they were both girls or both boys, not a problem, they re at the age where they need privacy, and then you are talking about putting a younger child in there with them. I don't know all the rules, but I know when we first moved to Navy Housing once a child turned 5 leagaly they could not share a room with the oppesite sex sibling, in the apartment complex where one of my friends were living CPS told her that her to young sons, could not room with her teenage daughter, this is something you may want to look in to, rules/laws change all the time, there's one more thing to think about, is once your teens are grown, then you and your husband have fewer responsibilities and can focuss more on each other. My husband and i used to talk about being foster parents, but we came to the conclusion that after raising our 3 kids, it needed to be our time, your's and your husband's ages can be a consideration depending on how old you are, for us we were looking at the year our daughter ( 3rd child ) turned 18 was the year that I turned 50 and my husband turned 51, and for us we didn't want to be raising kids at those ages, we have so much time for each other now, and were going on 28 years of marriage. I beleive if there is room in the heart there is room in the home, you may want to try and find a 3 bedroom, so you can give your teens their own rooms, being the opposite sex, before looking into the foster parenting, just a suggestion, I'm sure you will get a lot more feed back, I'm just going by what I have learned as a Day Care provider, having some of my families dealing with CPS issues. J. L.