Have you tried the good old "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" technique? I totally dig your thinking in that you believe everyone eats what is for dinner, you haven't yet become a short order cook who provides him with his own special menu, and you're nice enough to plan the meals with him in mind. Awesome job so far - and keep it up.
Make dinner, give him what the family is having, and if he doesn't want to eat it then save the plate for later when he complains that he is hungry. And when he does come back to you, complaining that he is hungry, pop the plate into the microwave and serve again.
Sure, he might go on strike for a little bit but he will get hungry and he will eat. As soon as he realizes that you are not going to cater to his every whim, he will learn "Hmmm if I want to eat I better eat what's on my plate or I don't get to eat."
He complains about it at the table? Just respond with "This is what's for dinner." You don't need to justify, rationalize, verbally debate or argue.
My nephew's eating habits were catered to when he was little. Now he is 10 and is a whiny, pain in the butt when it comes to eating...at home. He eats the hot plate lunch at school, no problem. He has managed to manipulate his parents to the point where every night they cook him a separate meal or else he'll throw a tantrum.