I am an experienced mother in this field. "You" have to tell them what your child needs based on his deficiencies. You know your child more than anyone else. Keep on top of things every step of the way in his school years. It's a hard task, but will pay off big when he graduates. Some teachers do more than others. Keep on them. Give him plenty of directions. Writing them down for him to check off a great one. More than all of it.....Plan to sit with him to give him your devoted time every night when he gets in bed for 5 to 10 minutes to discuss his day. Then tell him you love him. This is every night, not some nights.
I would also recommend taking him to a Naturopathic Doctor that can test his brain neurotransmitter levels. They can give him natural supplements to regulate his moods and ADD.
Call the NeuroScience Lab at 1-888-342-7272. Tell them you are looking for a doctor near you that uses their testing.
Their testing is usually covered by insurance, but some of the fees from the doctor's visit are not always. You can get a list of a few and check. Good luck!