I'm pretty sure your daughter is right on schedule for her canines, I think they're supposed to come in right around 18 months. Have you tried a wet, cold washcloth? My daughter loves them when she's teething. Along with that we do Tylenol and Motrin as needed. I also like to give her frozen banana and frozen blueberries. She LOVES them, and they really seem to help. Some people swear by the Hylands Teething tablets, but they didn't work for us, and I stopped using them after a baby on one of my mommy boards overdosed. He was allergic to one of the ingredients, Belladonna. They contain herbal ingredients (they aren't strictly regulated by the FDA), including Belladonna, which can be dangerous for children & babies.
Here's a few links:
As far as lancing the gums goes... I only think they do that in extreme cases.. I don't think that's practiced all that much anymore, but I could be wrong. I know they do it if the gums look infected because of a tooth coming in. Talk to your pediatrician about it.
So, I'd just stick to the Motrin & Tylenol and cold treats. I hope the teeth come through quickly and she starts feeling better! Poor kiddo!