My son didn't have any teeth until his first birthday. A week after he got the first two, and then they all showed up pretty quickly. Now he's 6, and started losing his baby teeth at appropriate age.
Good luck!
i am kirti from mumbai.my baby girls has no teeth as she is 10 months old,what should i do...and she is 8 kg.her hight is very good and birth weight was 3 kg.please guide me.
My son didn't have any teeth until his first birthday. A week after he got the first two, and then they all showed up pretty quickly. Now he's 6, and started losing his baby teeth at appropriate age.
Good luck!
have your doctor check her. I wouldn't really worry until closer to 12 months, though. Peace!
Some babies start teething later . I think you shoul wait for 1-2 months and then may talk to her doctor.
Talk to her doctor on next well visit abt her weight and height.
It is ok that she does not have teeth yet. I have known many babies who have 0 or only 1 tooth by their first birthday. Do not worry.
Her weight also sounds fine. I have read that babies should approximately triple their weight from birth to one year. Your little girl sounds like she's right on track.
She seems fine to me based on what you said. The weight seems right, and as for the teeth, I have seen from knowing LOTS of babies that teeth development varies greatly with babies, and I would not worry yet that she has no teeth. I assume since she is a good weight that she is able to eat solid foods well even without teeth, so really, I would not worry. They will come. Just feel lucky that you have not had to deal with a teething baby!
My little girl didn't get her first tooth until about 2-3 weeks before her first birthday! Then she got a whole bunch! Don't worry, she'll get them! :)
One of my kids did not get her first tooth until she was 13 months old. Really no problem, but we moms due tend to worry about it all, hu?
My niece had no teeth until she was 12 months old. Don't worry. She's now a 3 1/2 year old with a mouth full of teeth and is completely normal.
I would take her to a pediatrician to be sure that she is OK. If you're low income, you can make an appointment with a county clinic who will charge you based on your ability to pay. They will not turn away anyone because of lack of money.
If you're low income or on state assistance you're eligible for WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) will provides vouchers for basics such as milk and formula, cereals, juices. You will be assigned a case manager who will help you know if your baby needs medical attention or anything special in the way of diet.
The only way to know if she weighs enough according to the charts is if you include her height measurement. She's had a weight gain of approximately 11 lbs. From 6. lbs to 17. lbs. That is a small gain but that can still be a healthy weight gain if she's short.
My daughter didn't get her first tooth until 11 months. Then she got 4 teeth all at once!! My son got his first tooth at 4 months. Every child is different, but she should get a tooth by 12 months...
Welcome to the US. Every child is different. As long as you are taking her to her well child check ups and the doctor thinks everything is all right, then rest easy.
Dear Y., Many children do not have teeth at 10 months old. If you are concerned ask a dentist about this. Give her foods that che can handle. Many adults and children do very well with just gums. also your doctor will let you know if her weight is good according to her height and age. My best, Grandma Mary