You can lose weight and tone up on just about any exercise plan, assuming you eat healthy, too. The key is finding something you'll really stick with and that suits any health issues you may have. My husband does P90X religiously and has gone down almost two clothes sizes. However, that program is so hard he starts to vomit with many of the DVDs, even after six months or so on the program doing it daily. To me, I'd give up the first time that happened. I don't want exercise to be so exhausting it literally makes me sick.
I do the Biggest Loser workout DVDs and like that they're short, easy to follow and don't aggravate my plantar fasciitis (foot problem) because they offer examples to follow for those with injuries. I also go to Vinyasa yoga classes twice a week. I knew those classes were great for stress relief but apparently I'm also getting toned from those, too, because a friend of mine wants to take the classes now because she says I look like I've lost 20 lbs. since I started them a couple months ago.