I am a 31 yr old stay at home mom. My youngest son is going to have tubes, tonsils, and adenoids taken out on Feb 28th. My middle son had this done last year, we had noticed he couldnt hear and had his hearing checked, he kept saying huh? what? I can't hear you, we brushed it off as the typical 3 yr old stage for quite some time. I don't know if your child has ever had any surgery unfortunately this was his 3rd surgery. The surgery is not long at all, and everyone comes out of anethesia differently, my son is very aggressive (think due to his exposure) after they calm down they are mostly sleepy and face is a little swollen. I was pretty scared bringing him home they have to warn you on extreme cases, so just keep letting them drink plenty of fluids which helps hugely in healing. Few days later, you will be thinking what surgery, they bounce back pretty easily. Now my son thats going for surgery he has speech delay and has also had ear infections. Good luck, let me know how everything goes.