J.; i would continue the bedtime routine, and incorporate the new child right along with it, and i would also have mommy and me time with the older one, keep the routine, with her, and make another time mommy and me time, otherwise, your future bedtime will be more like havock, when you have to read to each of them individually , i always tried to incorporate the new baby into our all ready routine, so others accepted them too, besides that little one inside of you has all ready sat in on your nightly readings and she is all ready acustomed to it, reaading to them even in the womb is very beneficial, so i would keep doing it with both children, maybe let her know now that baby is also listening to story, and when it comes out, it will get to be here with us, too, just have fun and enjoy life, if your daughter had a little freind over, and it was bedtime would you not include the freind in her bedtime ritual ? of course you would, how is it any different with a sibling, no one likes to be left out, and you will find that special something that you and her can do . in time, leaving them out also makes the older one feel like they dont have to accept the child , mommy dont, why should i , just keep doing what you are doing, you can do this, dont fret the little stuff and i understand the feeling of that second child and taking away from number one, dont look at it as taking away from but adding to, D. s