Do not fear, all children go through this. Both of my daughters went through phases of this and at different ages. They get too busy playing outside with friends or they get too busy watching a movie or something and the next thing you know, they've had an accident. Children do this and it's nothing you have to worry about. What it usually takes is for your child to really start feeling uncomfortable with either the soiled or wet underpants on. When they finally get to this point, they will begin making it to the restroom on time and the accidents will stop. I thought mine were done with the accidents, nothing happened for months and then, out of no where, they'd be outside with the neighbor kids, playing and when they finally came in, the pants would be wet. I was beside myself, asking them every five minutes, "do you need to go to the rest room" it got me no place, then out of no where again, it stopped. It became obvious to me that it was the fear of someone their own age seeing them with wet pants or just the fact that they feel awful wearing them. It sounds crazy but this was the case with my children, neighbors children, neices and nephews....the list runs on an on. Don't worry, it will end.