Hi, M.. This is such an exciting time! I remember when my daughter first went off to school I was so nervous. I worried about whether she would get lost, make friends, feel scared, etc. Fortunately, I quickly realized that the school folks take good care of those little Kindergarteners.
When she came home from her first day, I was so excited to find out every detail. I asked her what she had done that day and she just sat back on the couch and sighed, "Nothin'." It was like she'd grown several years in that one day. LOL.
I think its important to get to know your child's teacher and be sure to communicate with him/her. Most teachers really do want to help in any way that they can to make school a good experience for your kids.
And although you can never admit it in front of your kids, it will be nice for you to get some more time with your younger children. One down, two to go! Just kidding. Seriously, though, it has been nice to spend time with my youngest two that I would've spent taking care of an older sibling.
Good luck on your fun new adventure! I'm sure everything will be great.