Call those "park Districts" honey. They'll tell you anything you want to know and mail you the park districts summer pamphlet.
Hi everyone. Does anyone out there know of a summer sports camp in the Glenview/Northbrook area? I had read about somewhere a few months ago but cannot remember the name. It offers a variety of sports for the summer and is for ages 5 and up, I believe.
Also, are there any playgroups in the North Shore that cater to multiples?
Call those "park Districts" honey. They'll tell you anything you want to know and mail you the park districts summer pamphlet.
Banner Day Camp in Lincolnwood is fantastic...however a bit pricey. Check it out.
I work for the Glenview Park District and there are several different camps for all ages and interests. You can either check out the website at www.glenviewparks.org or stop in at Park Center on Chestnut Drive near The Glen (next to Attea Middle School) and pick up a summer camp brochure or if you'd like, I can mail you one. The camps range from 1-5 day a week, 1-8 weeks and price range is from $60-$700, depending on what you want.
Do you belong to a twins' moms group? Those usually have playgroups. I belong to a great group that includes the Glenview/Northbrook area: MOMs (Moms Of Multiples), and there are playgroups that cover your twins' age. You can check it out at www.momsofmultiples.org.