Have you told her how you felt? You should.
That being said....
My child had colic and was pretty high needs until he could crawl. He still wanted to be held alot but now at 13 months doesn't care so much about being held. Also, keep in mind that seperation anxiety really starts to peak around this point and babies need the extra security and reassurance.
I am a little disturbed about the whole spoiling thing you mentioned.
I pretty much wore my son in an infant carrier the first few months. He crawled early, took first steps at 9months and is a happy confident toddler. Some babies just have higher needs than others. Sounds to me like she needs to find a better fit since it's not working out for you.
Refer her to a few groups in Tampa such as babywearing, high needs babies or attatchment parenting. She can do a google search these type of groups. Perhaps someone can refer her to a sitter who has the same views on parenting.