On a mac, it does it automatically for you. My windows didn't do this.
On a side note, I forgive you as long as you're making a conscience effort ;)
Someone mentioned spell checking your posts. I know you can do that in Word (with the red squigglies), but it sounded like someone's computer did the red squigglies on Mamapedia. Can you do that? I am the world's worst speller, so I would love that!
I never thought about using a different browser. My laptop came with IE, so there you go! Wonder if there's something in the IE settings. Thanks for the help! Definitely learned something :-)
On a mac, it does it automatically for you. My windows didn't do this.
On a side note, I forgive you as long as you're making a conscience effort ;)
When I switched from internet explorer to google chrome I started getting the squiggly red lines, which I love! Happens on FB too, I am so glad because I am kind of anal about spelling :)
oddddly spelled words auttttomatically come up underlined......example" "oddly" and "automatically" were underlined in this O......as I was typing.
I use Firefox. In the preferences (general) there's a box you can check that says "check my spelling as I type".
I use firefox and there is a setting on there. I now think that it is an automatic thing that happens when you download it and use it. I highly suggest firefox anyway, not just for the spell check.
When you're typing something, right click the box where you're typing. It'll have a place to click spell check and will from then on, spell check whatever you're typing.
...I think that's the most I've ever said spell check and typing in one little post, lol!
:( I use internet explorer and I never get any red lines. I too am a horrible speller and would love to have spell check on mine. I am sure people think I am stupid because I can't spell, but I am not. I just simply can't spell to save my life never could.
I think it might be a browser setting. Not sure about that, though?
Yes, just checked. I use Firefox and I looked under tools, options, advanced and you can check a box that says check my spelling.
If you have a program on your computer, you can just right-click for "Check Spelling"...I had to download the free program after getting my new laptop about 6 mos ago (I think its called ie-spell), after I did that, the right-click option appeared. But I click the Check Spelling, not the "ie spell options" that appears in the list.
Does that help?
anything I type on my computer shows up with the red lines underneath it if I spelled something wrong. It has been a life saver. Now if I could get them to add where I am supposed to put punctuation. I was in advance placement English all through school. You would think I would remember where to put a comma.....and so on....but now all that has seemed to have left my brain after children! It drives me up the wall, once I reread what I have posted and find all these errors. I try and read everything slowly once before I post it to make sure I dont sound like a drunk!
Thanks for posting this question because I learned something today, as well. I've had Google Chrome installed on my laptop for a couple of months now and haven't used it. After reading Grandma T.'s advice, I logged on with Google Chrome and am using it. (I misspelled something on purpose just to see the red squiggly line underneath.)
Ha! Now wouldn't it be so cool if the computer could let you know that you typed the wrong word all together.... such as I did, but then I caught my mistake. (I originally typed advise when I really needed the word advice.)
I get the red squigglies (like with the word squigglies) when a word is misspelled. I thought they all did that? I have a Mac, maybe that's the difference?
If I open mamapedia with may aol browser I dont get spell check, but if I open it with Chrome any of my misspelled words come out in red.
I have a Mac and use Safari. Everything I do, is automatically spell-checked with the red lines underneath if there are errors. Email included. And this answer box included.
Im too lazy to use spellcheck, for anything. I dont think on here it even matters. If it bugs someone, too bad, so sad... Far too much trouble for me!!! (I used to be a great speller, but old age, or mommy brain, I dont know, I just go blank at the simplest words sometimes!)
My computer just underlines mistakes in my posts with a red dotted line. It's not going to pick up "there/their" or "it's/its" or "do/due" or "principle/principal" mistakes though. Those are grammar rules and there's no substitute except actually going back to the basics. I think it's great that you know you have issues with spelling and you want to deal with it. I'm pretty shocked by the large number of errors, particularly when the post deals with poor schools in the area or the desire to home-school! Yikes! Don't criticize what you yourself haven't learned! There are books that list common errors and help you distinguish them. There is also a long-time reference book called "20,000 Words" that was every secretary's guide before spell check and computers came along. It shows spelling, hyphenation and commonly-confused words. There's also a "dictionary" that lists words according to their most commonly MISSPELLED versions and then gives you the correct spelling. For example, "seperate" would be listed and then the correct spelling of "separate". Most people aren't willing to actually look things up and they expect the computer to do everything, but if you're willing, I think that's awesome.
Mozilla Firefox will automatically spell check and on certain sites will even grammar check for you.
I alternate between Google Chrome and Firefox and both do the red lines under misspelled words. It might be a setting in your browser, I'm not sure.
I was wondering the same thing!! Mine doesn't come up with any misssspelllinggss red lines when I did this. . . wonder if it is a setting??
Yes, I have spell check at this very momment, I mean moment, tehehe! oops, there it is again!
i just switched over to firefox because internet explorer 8 &9 were giving me so many problems. and firefox spell checks EVERYTHING,on every website!! maybe give them a try.
if you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome - it will underline the words that are misspelled.