My boys are 2 years 9 months apart and it is great for us. They are close enough to play together, but far enough apart that I didn't have two "babies" at once.
I would suggest not putting too much time between your babies. With your plan your kids will be about 4 years apart. That may make things harder later on when you are wanting to do things. They will be so different in what they want and can do that outings and trips will be more complicated. I know the first couple of years is what you have in mind now, but remember, if they are a bit closer in age they are probably more likely to grow up as "buds". My boys started playing together when my youngest started walking. They play (and fight), but love each other like best friends. Also, I think it's a lot harder to go back to the baby stage when you have been out of it so long.
I think it's all a matter of opinion, but just remember, there is more to it than just that first year of baby/toddler. Good luck!!