I am 38 and have had a similar condition all my life. I am a runner and have not had any problems until about 3 months ago when I have had a lot of pain caused by inflamation at the end of the metatarsal (foot bone). Physical therapist said one of the reasons for this was the way my toe did not touch the ground while walking. I am not stretching the toes and massaging the toes daily.
I would definaltly suggest as a minimum to massage the toes and stretch them out. try putting it into a game so it is something fun, but something that happens at least daily if not more frequently.
It may not cause pain now or even in the near future, but you never know when something may come out of it. When I was told "but your toes don't touch the ground when you walk" my response was "I know they never have and I have been teased about this from my parents my whole life. No-one ever thought to do soemthing about it."
Good luck and believe that stretching and massage can change things - they have with my toes in just 10 weeks.