My daughter started experiencing similar symptoms (except for the dizziness) 2 weeks before she started 3rd grade. We had her doctor check her over and ran blood tests, all of which were negative. It was finally decided that stress was the cause.
Things I have done to help her cope are:
Hiring a tutor - this helped her gain more confidence in her math skills
Meditation - this helped to calm her mind. We do a guided meditation before bed most night to help her sleep. Sometimes during the day we just sit quietly to clear the mind of clutter and stress.
Make sure your son's diet is good! Cut down on sugars, carbs, and caffeine. My daughter drinks mostly water but switching to goats milk is also a good idea. Cow's milk can put too much stress on the intestinal tract and actually DECREASE the body's defense system. Goat's milk is easier for the body to break down and contains higher levels of nutrients. I make high protein/high fiber fruit shakes with it for breakfast along with some whole grain hot or cold cereal to get them started.
Let your son know that it's okay to be afraid but that he can talk to you about anything. Tell him a story from your childhood where you might have been in a similar situation and discuss how you felt.
My 10 year old daughter recently had a embarrassing public incident where she wet her pants due to having a urinary infection. I related to her that I had a similar incident only a few years ago where I had to use the bathroom and sneezed!!! How embarrassing!! But it made my daughter laugh and feel better about her own incident.
I hope some of these suggestions help. You may want to rule out a medical problem first but it still won't hurt to try the things I've mentioned.
For more information on children's behavioral issues, read the informative articles at
M. :)