I have been a member of the Flylady.net for several years. Yes, you do get alot of emails, but the beauty of it is, you have a delete button if it gets too overwhelming. Once you get into it, and have a rhythm of sorts about your cleaning and habits, the emails no longer seem overwhelming, they are welcomed. I would highly recommend Flylady as it encourages you to do what you need to do 15 minutes at a time. If you will actually follow along and do what she says, your life and home will be transformed! My house has never been cleaner, less cluttered, laundry is done and put away once a week, and I cook a nice healthy meal at least 6 nights a week. That used to seem very overwhelming to me. Now, it's fun. I would encourage you to sign up, read and do what you can, and stick with it. Don't get discouraged, just hang in there. Keep trucking along. You WILL see a difference in your home and in the attitude of everyone in the home. Good luck!