I think you are reading too much into the situation. It is very common for frontal fontanelle closure to occur during the second year of age. The brain is still growing in size. This is the reason Toddlers all of a sudden appear to have "big heads". The reason we reference them as being "top heavy". The brain is still growing and the plates need to shift to accomadate this growth. Now if she were 15 months old and the posterior fontanelle remained open without closure, I may be a little concerned. If she is developing typical; able to sit, crawl, play and walk short distances, I would not be worried at all. If she is able to interact with her enviroment, especially recognize people, she is fine. Many times kids "soft spots" appear to be sunken in when they truly are not. If it is sunken due to dehydration, then it will quickly self-correct once she is hydrated. If she is wetting diapers, she does not have a hydration issue. If it is sunken because of developmental disorders, these are pretty prevelant and you would be more worried about the other delays than her "soft spot". The other disorders that may have a decompressed soft spot as a symptom are so profound disorders, you would have known at birth or shortly after. So if she is thriving, I say just relax and enjoy your time with her as it goes waaay too fast. Take a breath and know it is normal.... Stay off the computer; I tell my parents at work all the time; "Parents who web search sometimes have an 'overload disorder ' & the children are usually have sytoms of that." Enjoy her and have him spend the time he has with her as quality wonderful relaxing memories & not tote her to the doctor (unless of course she were to become ill) and stop making anxiety doctor memories with the baby. He wants her to associate the time with him as Magical & not Clinical. I understand your concern, but this time I do think you have no reason for concern. Good Luck! (((HUGS))))