I, personally, don't believe in letting them cry it out. If you were only on this planet for 16 months, you might feel a little insecure if you couldn't smell, feel, hear your mom, especially if she was taken away right after her birth to be cleaned and then brought back later. I find that many c-section babies are even more insecure, afraid of the dark, etc because they were taken away and then returned after recovery. If that's your first experience on this planet, it might make you wonder where mom is. Don't get me wrong, not ALL c-section babies are insecure, (before someone sends me some scathing e-mail) as some babies are born independent and no matter what happens, they are resilient, but we are not all wired the same way. Some things impact different people in different ways.
Our kids slept in out bed until they were about 16-18 months and then we made a gentle transtion for each of them. For #1, we put the crib mattress on the floor up against our bed, so when he woke up, wah-lah, we were there! #2 we moved into a crib right next to your son's bed, so he still heard the breathing of our son. #3, we moved at 18 months into a twin bed into her own room....she still sometimes wakes up and gets into our bed (she just turned 2 last week). I can hold my kids close and say, "I got you. I got you," and once they fall sleep with me, I can move them back into their beds.
She's only little for a little while and someday, she won't even want you to kiss her goodbye when you drop her off somewhere, so at least she wants you and loves you. It's all perspective.