Margo, you mentioned that he was sleeping through the night until you moved him into his own room. He's so young to be alone all night, and it sounds like your current situation is upsetting for both of you. Have you considered moving him back into your room? That doesn't mean he'll be in your room forever, it just means you are meeting his needs right now. Clearly being near you provided a better sleep environment for him and better sleep for all of you. It's completely normal for a baby that young to nurse during the night. A baby that young needs human contact and needs nourishment. He may have done well in your room because he could hear you, smell you, and sense you...he wants to be near you...smart baby! He is also at an age of tremendous physical and development growth. It's very reasonable for him to be hungry during the night. I know parenting at night can be a struggle at times. It must seem crazy right now, but as others have mentioned you really will look back on this time and think of those quiet nighttime nursing and snuggling sessions as magical.