I know this is a frustrating situation for you. I always recommend talking with your son's doctor. It can't hurt!
There are many books on the subject and a quick visit to the library may yield an armful of ammuntion for you!
As for my thoughts, when I find myself in the same situation, I try to remember that I, as the mom, set the tone for the house. So, I ask myself these questions:
1. What is my goal?
2. What am I willing to do/sacrifice in order to meet that goal?
3. Have I communicated this goal to my family members?
So, your goal is to have Alex sleep though the night. Is everyone on the same page? Are you willing to loose some sleep in the process in order to meet that goal?
Next, a plan must be made. First ask yourself these questions:
1. What is the bedtime routine?
2. Is it consistent?
3. Am I giving sleep "cues" to my son?
4. Am I consistent about bedtime "rules?"
5. Am I my child's "pillow?" (this means does Alex need you there in order to fall asleep? If so, then he'll need you there when he wakes up in the middle of the night!
FYI, we all wake up in the middle of the night but most of us have learned how to fall back asleep. Alex will always wake up, you just want him to go back to sleep on his own.
I think with a little information from some books, a discussion with your husband, and a firm plan you'll find success. Just don't give up!
Good luck!