S., why are you sleeping on the sofa? Why not sleep in your bed in your own room so that you set a clear message that everyone has their own special place to sleep? Your son is old enough to be sleeping on his own, without having to make sure you are where you are supposed to be. Do your children have a door to their rooms? You need to be firm and very, very clear that once they are tucked into their beds, the door closes and it stays closed unless they have to get up to go potty. Reward them with a sticker for every night they stay put in their own beds. Take them to CVS or some craft store, let them pick out a sheet of stickers that they will enjoy. Explain they will get ONE sticker for each night they sleep in their beds without getting up. Make a chart if need be, (Like a calendar with grids) and tell them if they sleep in their rooms, in their beds for a whole month that they can be treated to a milkshake or ice cream. The goal is for them to feel proud that they can do this and hopefully this getting up to check on you will be a thing of the past.
Good luck.