I could have wrote this myself about my 7 mo. old son, I can totally sympathize! Most people were telling me when he was 5 months old to let him cry it out, he's old enough, blah blah. But I just don't have the heart to do it (yet). I just truly feel like he needs to be reassured that I will be there for him. With my daughter, I waited her out, she was an awful sleeper, then magically at 6 months she just got up once a night, then at 7 months started sleeping through. I was hoping the same thing would happen this time (worst case scenario), and my son was making progress, had a week or two when he was only up once. Now he has a cold and teething, and back to random, at least twice a night. Argh. He's not really hungry (but will fall back asleep quicker if he nurses a little). He gets so upset and worked up if I just leave him in there. Plus he scoots around and gets stuck in the corner of his crib.
Anyway, I read now that the "experts" who write books on the CIO method now say it should not be used on babies younger than 6 months, and it's a gradual process. I'm considering doing it once he's feeling better, and after we've caught up on sleep a little, as I know it will take time on our part.
It drives me CRAZY when mamas with babies that slept through really early try to give me the most obvious advice, as if I have no idea what I'm doing. Ie, swaddle him (when younger), background noise, make sure he's full & dry diaper, put him down drowsy but awak. DUH! I just think they have no clue, babies are really just different. Other than crying it out for a long time, I do everything else that's recommended, and like you have the same bedtime routine. I'm trying to wait him out, but getting sick of going to bed so early just to get enough sleep. Hoping you get some other good advice on here so I can use it also. Hang in there! You're not alone ;-)