First I would say, you'll probably have your own unique routine and times - every child/parent is different and that's okay. You could look at the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" in the library. That book was my saving grace. A first time mom has so much to learn!! lol
I got my guy used to wake up at 7am... I would not go in before that. He had a late morning nap by that point, I think (10:30). He still needed 2 naps but he was getting closer to one nap (11:30) after an early lunch. So... a nap 4 hours after awaking at 1.5 yrs. For a long time he took a late nap...around 3pm but short if this was the second nap. He was asleep around 8 - 8:30 pm. With this schedule he was getting 12-14 hours sleep which is the recommended amount if I remember right. (check the book).
Then- to get ready for bed, ev. other night was a bath, milk while rocking w/music, then to bed while still sleepy but awake with only a water bottle (he started sippy cups about that time). My reading told me not to leave a baby alone with a bottle until they had control as a chocking hazard. Plus, it's not good to drink milk on the back for 2 reasons: one, COW's milk settles near the inside ear duct and get infections started AND it's not good for the teeth to be bathed in it all night long. (breast milk is fine due to antibodies, etc.). And, here's the good part: just when you figure out a sleep schedule, thay'll change on ya! I hope some of these ideas are helpful but again, you figure out what works for you and how much sleep your little one needs. Please don't let them get over tired 'cause then they're really WIRED. Good luck.