I don't know how old you are, but you have been married to Mr. Wonderful for 18 years, so we may be in the same boat. And, let me tell you, it is a pretty big boat! I see mentioned in some of your other responses the very remedies that I use and have found to work like a charm. Coincidentally, I just got a promotional message for some of them, so I'll include it here:
If this is overwhelming, send me any questions and I'll be glad to tell you what I've used and how it has worked. I don't know anyone who has done more experimenting with all of this than myself, so I might be able to shed some light.
I also followed in the footsteps of some of my slightly older friends and started using progesterone cream. It helped with several things, including sleep. I get mine from my coop, but there are other ways to buy it. If you want it and can't find it, let me know.