I have a very VERY strong willed two and a half year old. He fell asleep by himself, until he learned how to climb out of his crib. We tried again after he broke his leg and could no longer climb out - but we made the mistake of staying in the room until he was fully asleep. Recently, we moved him to a regular twin size bed, in his own room. After about a month of laying on the floor next to his bed until he fell asleep, I had enough. I explained to him that from now on, he was going to fall asleep all by himself, that daddy and I weren't going to be in the room any more. I explained he was aloud to sing or talk quietly to himself, or play with the few stuffed animals he has in his bed. After potty; washing hands, face, and feet; reading 3 stories and having prayers (in the same order EVERY night) I kiss him, tell him good night and leave the room. I leave the door cracked a little, and he has a little night light. If/when he gets out of bed, I lead him right back to his bed, tuck him in, kiss him again, tell him I good night and I love him, and leave the room again. Every time I have to lead him back to his bed, I do one less thing like not kissing him. I haven't had to do any more than that. We're still working on it, but we're doing well. I wasen't able to let him cry it out, he would (and did) break the door! As long as I stay consistant, it works, and he'll get used to it!