My daughter is in the same cycle. She will whine and cry in her sleep. I will bring her into bed with me and although I can see that she is safe, I can't comfort her. Occassionally I can wake her up enough to tell me that she saw a monster or her legs hurt, but most of the time I just hold her and let her cry it out.
I took her to the doctor and he believes that it is probably a combination of joint and muscle pain from growing. This has been going on for about 3 months. She has grown 5 inches, so I'm hoping our nights settle down.
I have found that giving her a bath and adding the Johnson and Johnson Lavender scented night-time bath right before bed have helped. I also massage her legs, especially her hips and knees at night. She loves it and is so relaxed. At my house, I would rather she sleep with me. This way I know that she is safe and she knows that momma is there.
All of my kids have slept with me at one time or another. From the time my oldest was born, he slept in my bed. He slept in my bed until he was three. At 3, it was just too hard to sleep with the circler. He would literally turn all night long. I don't know how many times I woke up with a foot in my face.
You need to do whats best for you. If you can get more sleep with your daughter laying next to you, than by all means do so.
Give it a few weeks and then try again to her into her own bed.