Hi P., I think the technical definition for sleeping through the night is a 5-hour stretch, so she's doing pretty well. I think you got a little spoiled ;) My 2 exclusively breastfed babies were up several times a night when they were young (sometimes every 2 hrs), and I was still getting up once a night to nurse when they were 1.
As your daughter is getting older, she may be getting busier and isn't nursing as much during the day. She might be using that night feed to catch up. Night is a time when most moms have lots of milk. I think you are very lucky to only be getting up once a night-- I'm envious!
As for crying it out, I did try that with both mine at around 6 months, but it wasn't the cure all for us. I found it worked best to let them fuss and try to go back to sleep on their own until it became an all-out cry. Then I just got them and nursed them.
I don't know if you can comfortably nurse in bed, but I usually brought my babies into bed with me and I could doze back off while they were nursing. By the time I woke up, they were back to sleep and could be transferred back to their cribs or just stay in bed with me.
Since you are a SAHM, you could try to catch a nap during one of her daytime naps when you feel you need some ZZZZs. When I was super tired with #1, I would just lay down and nurse her in bed. She usually went right out and I got the nap I needed.
Good luck! Like the other mom said, it's only temporary. Before you know it you'll be getting a full night's sleep again. Unless you plan to have another, in which case lack of sleep just becomes a way of life. :) P.S. Don't be tempted to wean to get more sleep. Bottle-fed babies don't always sleep through the night either, and tummy troubles associated with cow's milk, soy, and additives in infant formula can wake babies up even more.
Bottom line: hang in there! And kudos on nursing your daughter six months and couting! :)