By the way, you are doing a good job using your gut when he needs to eat and when he just needs to cry, but so you know, babies tend to wake lots at night, just like we do, but we have trained ourselves not to wake up fully that infants don't know how to do yet. (Sleeping through the night is really only 6 hours...doesn't seem like lots, but it is a long chunk for a young baby)
My son is 14 months old and was breastfed until he was almost 13 months old and still wakes up at least once at night. At his age, he is not hungry in the middle of the night, just thristy, so I give him a non-leak glass of water and a few safe toys when I put him to bed, but at your son's age, he may truly be hungry. I would either take my son to the couch or rock him in his room (I tried to not wake Daddy too much because he had to be to work early) and would doze there while he ate and then put him back to bed. Try not to turn on the lights as that tends to wake you up more and make it harder to go back to sleep. If you are really tired and are able to stay home, try to nap with the baby. If you work, make Dad take the baby so you can take a 30 minute powernap/rest when you get home (before you start dinner or whatever else) or I found that if I pack 1-3 pillows aound myself on the couch during the night feeding, I could pretty much fall completely back to sleep on the couch and would just wake up when the baby was done eating, so we both could go back to bed. I hope this helps. I should also mention that my son ate tons of solids and still would wake in the middle of the night for his milk, so that solution may or may not work for your son either.
If you are so exhausted, maybe you could pump and do every other night trade off with Dad. My son never took the bottle, so I was on my own until I weaned him at 12-13 months, but I was at home and able to nap during his morning nap! If your son needs to eat twice, I would let him. He may be growing and need the extra food. He also may be teething or sick and need the comfort. My only goal was that he not get used to sleeping in my arms too much so that he could still "put himself" to sleep as he was a great sleeper in that sense and I never let him sleep in bed with me. Maybe focus on getting him to fall asleep by himself at night instead of trying to get him to sleep all night (which I can tell you from experience is a lost my son's age though, I can turn on the fan in our room to cover some of the noise and he would fall back to sleep himself). Plan on trying the cry it out, if necessary, when he's closer to 12 months or so (or only do it for falling asleep at the start of the night for now...and don't let anyone make you feel guilty for trying that...every baby is different and some kids really respond to the cry it out method, as my son did).
Again, trust your guts! You know your son better than anyone else! If you need other suggestions, it seems like your son and mine are quite similar, so just write me!
S., 26, mom of Tyrrone, 14 months, and #2 on the way in Aug to start this all over again!!!