When my children were those ages, I sought out some women in the neighborhood, church, etc. who had small children. Five of us formed a baby-sitting coop, with a coop time keeper. Anyone who took care of another's child got points per 1/4 hour per child. The person who did the babysitting called in the time. A report was sent to all of us monthly so we could review it. It worked famously. Our kids enjoyed playing with each other, and Mom's got a break. It's a win-win when the kids can have a great time, while Mom is too. Plus, the women all became girlfriends! We had monthly meetings where the report was passed out, and we discussed any behavior issues, or methods we could use to educate our children. Wonderful ideas came from those meetings. Carefully select the Moms to put together a coop. If a Mom abuses the coop, she doesn't get to leave her children until she makes up the time taking care of some others. Set the limits as to the number of hours a Mom can have banked in the usage bucket. And, stick to the rules of the coop.