Hello A.: I just wanted to give you my 2cents worth of thought.
I am the mother of 5 children 4birth 1 a foster child that just never left home. I am a recent widow after nearly 40 years with my husband. We had many distant times, much change with the years and seasons of our lives, the Stars and Fireworks were not always there. But I have to say would I change anything if I could? yes, a few things but I wouldn't take the chance that some mysterious person was going o come into my life and keep the glow there foreverI absolutly adored my husband and even hated him at times but we were a incredable teameffort.. All relationships take hard work and daily amounts of love,compassion, and forgiveness. These are the times when it is easy to walk away instead of digging in and making things work. For your child's sake to tear her world apart just becasue you may have lost that "feeling" what ever that means to you- is sad. Your daughter deserves to have 2 parenets that can give her security and comfort from the pressures that the outside world imposses on children today. Having raised many foster children and having several still apart of my life we are proof that one does not have to give birth to a child to love and cherish a child. I know that once when I thought about leaving becasue I wanted an adventure I talked to a wise friend that was about 80, She told me to make my relationship an adventure and plant it like a garden with beauty and love. So go and enjoy what you have and you might see that it is all feelings on your part he doesn't see how it has changed at all, Guys are like that at times--- but if he was gone you might be alarmed at how much you would miss him.
Good Luck, in your quest forh appiness.