I think you'll know the right job when you find it. And no youaren't too old. I'm going to be 28 this year and it seems that everytime I find something that I would love to do with my life, something creeps up and I am no longer able to do it. For instance, I decided last year that since my boys were older, I was going to go into Anthroplogy and work with Native Americans and their cultures, but within a few months, I foundout I was pregnant and there is no way that I could drag an infant to some of the areas that I would have to live in to truly get into my area of expertise.
I think that the reason its so hard to get a job in that field is because there are so many grads from that department and others like it. THere are way more ppl graduating with those types of business degrees than there are jobs out there. (I work at UK)