I had never had cramps, but after my second child (I was 36) we dicided to have a tubal. For the first two months I had the most painful cramps, but after that everything went back to normal. I think my body needed time to adjust. Good luck.
I just did some research into tubal ligation and am shocked and horrified to learn about some pretty big problems associated with the procedure. Have any of you had your tubes tied and experienced the post tubal ligation syndrome? Heavier, more painful periods? Worse PMS (like mine could even GET any worse...)? I've been asking my OB about any side effects or problems once I've had the procedure and they've said none whatsoever. It makes me think they just want the business. Why so many women experiencing problems then? Have any of you experienced problems or symptoms following a tubal? A little about me: I will give birth to my 3rd child just after I turn 41 next month. This pregnancy has wiped me out and I do NOT want to get pregnant again. Period. I also truly don't want to "mess with" my body to prevent it (the Pill, surgery, other artificial/hormone birth control) but my husband refuses to get a vasectomy. He's pushing me to get my tubes tied, since I'll be getting a c-section anyway. But now I'm not so sure. Very nervous about what I'm finding out about post tubal ligation syndrome.
Well, I appreciate your feedback. I am still in the dark on this one... I just had an OB appointment today with one of the doctors on staff at the high risk center at which I'm being treated and he was doing his best to assuage my fears and re-change my mind (to go forward with the procedure afterall). First, what is with them trying to push a procedure which is really unnecessary? It's not a medical necessity that I get this.. merely a birth control choice I had been considering. Second, he insists that the way he (and I'm assuming the other doctors on staff there) do the procedure does not cause PTLS.. because he does not cut the vessels and capillaries that contribute to the syndrome. So... I told him I'd reconsider my decision and think about it. Some of you have said you had no problems afterwards.. so maybe it is procedural (if you get a good doctor). I appreciate your weighing in on this issue!!
I had never had cramps, but after my second child (I was 36) we dicided to have a tubal. For the first two months I had the most painful cramps, but after that everything went back to normal. I think my body needed time to adjust. Good luck.
I had my tubal after my third c-section and my periods have actually been better. The only strange thing I have noticed is that one month my period is extremely light with cramping and the next month my period is heavy with little to no cramps. I did talk to my doctor regarding this and she said the months my period is light the uterus is contracting more trying to get the blood out; and the months it is heavy the uterus does not have to work as hard to get the blood out.
I haven't had it yet but have looked into it and Essure. I did ask my doctor about the post tubal syndrome and she told me that some women experience more pms, pain, and other symptoms but that they would experience them with out it if they were on no birth control to regulate their hormones. I don't know if that truly is the reason but it makes sense to me.
My only recommendation is if you are sure you want to do it, and it sounds like you are, do it at the time of your c-section. I didn't after our second and it's going to cost us over $1000 to have the procedure done because of the plan we are on. Needless to say, for now I am still on BC and wish I could be off of it.
I have to agree that you should look into Natural Family Planning as the most effective way to avoid any further pregnancies. I have been with my husband for nearly 9 years, and in that time we have only 2 planned pregnancies, but have a very satisfying and fulfilling intimate life. We have not had to resort to using devices (condoms, sponges, IUDs) or hormonal birth control because we can pinpoint my fertile times, and then we simply practice abstinence during those times. I acquired my information from the Couple to Couple League, which is geared primarily towards Christian (Catholic) couples, but the scientific information is obviously true for all (as would be the sociological info on the benefits of having a marriage that practices NFP.
I haven't had any troubles. I had my tubes tied during my c-section for my fourth child. I have had no side effects at all. It's really quite a simple surgery but I suppose when it comes to hormones you never know. I am 40 now and had it done when I was 37. Don't be scared away because of things you read. You don't know the women's history or the professionalism of the doctors. Good luck!
My obgyn was a male and refused to do a tubal ligation after the birth of my daughter, even though we knew upfront that I'd be having a c-section. So, I waited till my daughter was about 1 year old and then had the procedure done by a different surgeon. I haven't experienced any problems; if anything, my periods are not as heavy anymore and they're always on time. Some months I don't even experience any cramping at all. I've heard that much depends on the surgeon and the experience he/she has performing tubal ligations. Mine was an outpatient procedure... had it done on a Friday morning and was back at work by Monday. And I only took painkillers on that Friday evening.
Hi H.,
Sorry to weigh in so late but you may want to consider the essure procedure instead. It works similar to tubal ligation in that it's permanent but is much less invasive as it does not require surgery. I had the procedure done 4 years ago and experienced no side effects or complications. Ask your doctor if this is a possibility for you.
Like you I found my last pregnancy at 40 too much and knew I couldn't do it again. I had my tubes tied after a c-section delivery with no complications. When I was on the pill I had little to no periods and no real symptoms. I will admit that my periods prior too when not on the pill were lengthy never shorter then a week, very regular (28 days almost to the hour) but with little to no other symptoms. Since having my tubes tied my periods have shortened to about 5 days but run any where from 24-28 days apart, but again no other symptoms. Hope this eases your mind a little.
I had my tubes tied a few weeks after i had my daughter and it wasnt nearly as bad as i had thought it was going to be. I wouldnt worry too much, just make sure you get lots of sleep and TLC.
I had a C-section with my son and then had a tubal ligation right afterwards. I never heard of the post tubal ligation syndrome. It was all pretty cut and dry for me. It hurt me to laugh and stand up completely straight for about a week but I am not sure whether that was from the c-section or the tubal. The doctor told me that it is so much easier after a c-section because it is all right there.
For me, the surgery was no big deal. But I do think it caused some problems with my periods and PMS. I was able to take care of those with some natural supplements and have sailed through menopause. If you would like to know more about that, let me know.
So overall for me I am glad I did it. I had my last son just as I turned 40. So I would not have liked to have had to deal with birth control for that next 15 years.
I think you and your husband should compare the cons of each procedure. Your cons outweigh his! When my husband and I got pregnant with our first this topic arose. He said he doesn't want to get it done, but he would do it before I had my tubes tied because he understands the risks of both. Remember there is no turnig back after it is done, but the percentages aren't that high for a reverse vasectomy either.
Good Luck to you! If you do decide to get it done, then yes get it done during your c-section.
I had tubal surgery 5 years ago and my periods are heavier (only the first two days), cramping has intensified (midol the first two days are helping), and general PMS issues are also intensified. But I couldn't have another baby, and my hubby also would not get the vasectomy either. I think that really there isn't major changes, but every body is different and will experience the change differently.
i got the paraguard iud after i had my last baby...it has no hormones and can be left in for up to 10 years...the only real side effect is that your periods will be heavier...may be a good alternative for you if your nervous about having your tubes tied.
Had mine done after my c over 4 years ago. Didn't, and don't!, regret it for a second! It was easy as pie and I haven't had an issues at all.
I had my tubes tied after the birth of my son 2 months ago. I just got my period back even though I'm nursing exclusively. I'm not surprised though I got it back at 3 months with my daughter while I was nursing exclusively.
So far it's fine. The period is not painful and I had no PMS symptoms. It seems a little heavy for me, but nothing I can't handle. My periods were always pretty light and short anyway.
As far as the surgery went, I did not have a c-section so they did it the day after the birth. It hurt for a day or so but after that I was walking fine. I only took one dose of pain killer on the first day, that was it. No problem at all really. From my perspective it would seem the c-section would be more difficult for you than getting the tubal. So far it's been a breeze for me.
From what I can gather though, it seems that women who have issues with PMS before a tubal seem to have even worse symptoms after. I had pretty much no noticeable PMS before the tubal (including mood swings, sore breasts, etc) and I'm not really experiencing anything now. Even minor PMS for me would be a change. It seems as though tubals exacerbate existing problems. So if you have trouble with PMS now you may find it gets more difficult after. Or if you're more like me you may not notice it at all.
Hope that helps.
I just saw this today - I have to say, I had a laparoscopic tubal ligation and it was a breeze. I was really out of it just that day from the anesthesia, and I was sore the next day of course. I never had a single problem afterwards with cramps or anything - this was years ago and techniques just get better and better. Get a 2nd opinion if you want, but if you really don't want to be pregnant again, this is a good way to go. You can tell your husband that a HUGE number of men get vasectomies during the March Madness basketball championships - they have a good excuse to sit around with an ice pack and non-stop ball games! It was on the news. If he's so big into sterilization, I don't know why he doesn't volunteer! But that's another story.