Seven Neg Hpt but No Period

Updated on April 24, 2010
N.C. asks from Fort Polk, LA
9 answers

Not sure where to start but basically I haven't had a period in two months. I know what you're thinking...pregos right? Well, I have taken seven, yes count them seven home preg tests and they are all neg. I took them all at different times of the day and even tried different brands. When I had my first child it took four tests to confirm I was pregnant. With my daughter I took it during the day and the first test came up pos. I feel like I can't suck in and that my belly button seems to be getting smaller. I've been sick to my stomach and so on. The biggest factor is that I am so horriby tired and yet some nights I can't go to sleep and my attitude changes without warning. With both kids I was this tired. I really think I'm pregnant but I'm out of town and I don't have health insurance. Is there any place around the Hurst Euless Bedford area or even Colleyville or Southlake, Keller area that I can get a blood test for free or a small charge? I won't get innsurane back until July and I already have the perfect obgyn so I can go there when I get it. I am only twenty five so I was wondering if maybe something might be wrong and that I'm not pregnant. I'm flustered and I have no idea what my parents are going to say b/c right now we live with them. My husband will be at Fort Sill for a few months and after that we are moving and I'm not sure where we'll be stationed. My parents and most of my familly will probably not be happy and I really don't need this stress. Needing some advice.

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So What Happened?

so i took a total of 8 hpts and they all came back neg. my husband suggested i get thel blood test and i had to have 2 blood tests to confirm that i am pregnant. my hormone level is low. my paretns were not happy and neither was anyone else but i figure they have no right to say a word. i'm married with two kids already. i told them they can deal or not see the kids. rude i know but i was not putting up with it. it seems everyone is okay with it now but no one talks about it.

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answers from Dallas on

I too was going to suggest the Planned Parenthood in Bedford. Also if you are pregnant you can have the doctor there write you a prescription for a generic prenatal vitamin and one of my friends told me that you can get free prenatals at Market Street with a prescription from an OB.

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answers from Dallas on

Hey -- I live in Bedford TX.. there is a Planned Parenthood here:
2816 Central Drive #160
Bedford, TX 76021

P: ###-###-####

F: ###-###-####

They offer testing, I don't know if they do blood testing. I am assuming they will tell you at two months pregnant you should have the hormones in your urine and blood test shouldn't be needed? But it can't hurt to ask.

The other option would be to call one of those Minute Clinics that CVS or WalGreens offers, or go to a Carenow. They shouldn't be terribly expensive and I know the Carenow should be able to do a blood test -- call first and ask. I've been able to call and ask them in the past what they can do.

Keep in mind, lots of things can cause your period to be delayed. Weight fluctuations, stress, hormones, diet, age. When I was heavier I used to go months without a period. My girl friend who was very thin missed them for the opposite reason. It really sounds like you probably need to get a physical -- which is something the Minute Clinic/Care now may offer - I would call and ask what services they offer?

I hope some of that helps, that's all I can think of offhand. :)

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answers from Pocatello on

Well if you are pregnant, you should not be worrying about what your parents will be thinking about this... Babies happen when they happen and it doesn't sound like you are overly upset about being pregnant other than knowing whether you are or not.
You may just not be getting your period because of stress. There are lots of things that can cause you to not have a period for a couple of months, the most obvious is pregnancy but thats not always right. I would grab a phone book and look up Your District Health Department and ask to see the nurse there, they can set you up. When I was in Idaho without insurance for a short time, I did that once, they were really great to me there. I hope you figure it out for your sanity's sake.

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answers from Dallas on

This could also be an ectopic pregnancy. Be careful and if you find that you are suddenly feeling extreme abdominal pain and possibly bleeding go straight to the emergency room. I have experienced two of these that led to emergency surgeries. Negative pregnancy tests and all the feelings of being pregnant were all there too.

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answers from Wichita Falls on

you should see your dr if you havent had your period in two months.



answers from Dallas on

I would try calling the White Rose Women's Center or Birthright Crisis Pregnancy Center (both in Dallas.) They will either be able to provide free or low cost pregnancy tests or refer you to someone who can. When I was pregnant without insurance and needed an ultrasound to see if I was having twins or not, I was able to get one at the White Rose for something like $80 which is super cheap.


answers from Dallas on

There is a Tarrant County Health Dept on the corner of Rufe Snow and Mid Cities. Also, you may be able to get medicaid to cover you throughout your pregnancy.



answers from Lubbock on

Relax! I had irregular cycles. While I was trying for our first child, I had the same thing happen. I just decided to not worry and take a pregnancy test every 2 weeks.

If you are pregnant, you'll know eventually anyway. My last period was October 27th. My pregnancy test came back positive Jan. 7th, and I delivered on Sept. 13th.



answers from Seattle on

I'm in the military and I don't understand how you don't have medical insurance, unless your husband is going through training or is reserves or national guard. Medical is free to dependents, but you have to be seen at a military hospital. If that is not an option, then find the local Planned Parenthood Office. They will do a standard urine test. If it is negative then they might just do an ultrasound instead of waiting for the results of a blood test. But it could go either way. If you're not pregnant then as soon as you get your insurance back, make an appointment with you OB/GYN. I honestly think you might be pregnant... it took a couple weeks later than normal for my last pregnancy test to show positive and I'm completely healthy. Good Luck!!!

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