Dear A.,
I think that you need to go for counseling along with your husband, maybe he will go if he sees that it might save the marriage, which it seems to me that he does want to do. In the counseling will come the decision about what to do with your family set up. He will cooperate more, either with the separation, or with his committment to the marriage. Did I say that right?
Anyway, forcing is not the way to come to a healthy agreement on something this serious. You get the drift? If you think that being a parent is difficult, wait until you are a single parent and working full time, and dealing with your child going back and forth and organizing his Christmases and Thanksgivings and birthdays, and visits to grandparents - who love their grandchildren with a zeal that will surprise you when you are one. Then there is Jr. High, High School which are scary times for parents. It is not a pretty or easy life that you are concocting for yourself and your son - give it a lot more thought. I know that this sounds mean, but I am very serious and know lots more about stuff like this than you do. I have lived 44 more years than you have, and believe me, I have LIVED through a LOT. Please, only do some deep thinking and praying.
Good Luck, C. N.