One question is are you rushing out when you leave? or are you stressed out about things. The kids can really pick up on the stress and act out that way. If you are rushing out, she may feel that you are not saying bye to her. Make sure you have enough time to sooth her and reassure her she will be back in a little bit. My son about the same age would do that some times when I would drop him off at daycare. Well, he started to, I could never leave him that way. But I would be late to work and did not care. I took the time to wait til he settled in. It helps when other kids got his attention, or the teachers would try to talk to him. Once something got his attention, he was off and I was gone. The teachers always tell me that once I am gone, he is fine. It was all an act to keep me there. Even when they are acting that way and you are late, be Calm. It helps. Good Luck!