Hi C.: I am not self-employed but I have some suggestions. I would give your booklets out to local places of business, church, etc. You can also approach a business about displaying your items (not sure how it works if you would pay some rental fees). I have seen some Gold Canyon Candles at my pet groomer's shop. I don't know if the owner sells Gold Canyon also or not, but it's an idea. I have also seen people go to home shows and display the candle there.
Here is my best advice though. Go to your kids school, find out when they are doing a carnival/fundraiser. Donate a basket with some small candles, etc. And you can write it off on your taxes and also, you can get connections that way. Oh and don't forget to leave them in the teacher's lounge. I donated my time to schools, and always saw avon books, gold canyon books, etc in the lounge. The candles are great and pretty much sale themselves. I have a friend that been trying many different items for business. I asked her when are you going to sell Gold Canyon so I can buy them from you, she finally started. Blessings on your business. I will pray that God will direct you. I don't really
think there is a right and wrong way. If you ask if you can display your books the owners
will either say yes or no, and you can go from there.
Take care,