Completely changed since the twins were born! Really...who wouldn't girl. 2 year twins is all consuming. Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, and guilty about wanting to run screaming from the house and get a pedicure..oops that's just me:) Really, find someting fun for the kiddies to do. A day at the Children's Museum in Indy is great...they can play, yet they are not hanging on your apron strings (like any of us sahmom's wear aprons) Check out local churches-whether you go there or not...maybe they have a moms morning out-drop off childcare kind of thing. Anything to give you a little break. Preschool is just around the corner for you too. Hang in there, and by judging the other posts, perhaps there is still some PPD going on and meds is the key-who knows! I'm in Kokomo, so I am close to you!