Hi. I am not a single adoptive mom.. but I am an adoptive mom. I have many friends who are single and have adopted..mostly from Korea and China. We all have used Holt International.. they are great with all aspects of adoption.. they put you in touch with people in your area who have adopted - some may be single and some will be married. I felt this was a great resource.. they will introduce you to people who are at your stage.. so you won't be alone and some people who have already adopted... You can ask questions and feel free to talk to them openly about your concerns and questions. Go on the website.. look up Holt International Childrens services.. They have a blog page and lots of information. They have so many resources.. good luck. It will all work out.. I know how scared I was at first.. One question I had will I love this baby... my answer was always yes yes yes. I have two wonderful Korean born children who I love with all my heart. They mean the world to me. I am truely blessed each and every day. Good luck.. if you ever want to chat.. ____@____.com A. H. in NJ.