Hi! My first post here!!
Anyway, we use Kindercare on Old Columbiana Road. I would recommend them. I won't give my highest marks because, well, it's daycare. But for the most part they are very caring and concientious. The director and several of the teachers have been at that center for more than 20 years. The program is certainly not state-of-the-art, so if you are looking for a quality education, Kindercare is not the place for you. Their programs are dated and a little slow IMO. They do allow you to hold a spot for about $30 though, and they honor it - which I found most daycares wouldn't. And the quality of care is good. Connor comes home with the occasional bump and sometimes I'm not thrilled with the decisions made, but overall it's a good place and I feel comfortable sending him there. An additional plus is that you can pay by week, month, however, and you can make payments online - I think that's a great feature...