Dear M.,
I live in La Quinta and have had Dr. Jasmine Ramos in Palm Desert for the first 6 months of my son's life and then for the past 3 years, as we moved away and then back. I like her office - there are two completely different enterances and waiting areas for sick and well children. The well baby area has a great play area, sick baby area doesn't have the extra play room, just a tv and a few books as sick babies are usually just holding onto mom. More importantly, when my 6 year old(as of last week) has been sick, I've been able to get in the same day, wait time varied with busyness of office that day (one time got right in other time it was an hour), nice staff and Dr. Ramos is very loving. We've gotten to know her over the years and she always remembers my son, he was the first one to ever pee on her (at 1 week appt.) so thoroughly she had to run home and change, and she has a son about my son's age so she always talks to him about same age topics. I don't know if they still do it, but at my son's well-baby/vaccination visits they had a lady who would come in and talk about emotional/educational/physical development (even had a home visit) and he would get a board book. I'm in early education, so I kindof knew the stuff she would go over, but I was really glad they had that for new moms. It's the Healthy Steps program, (just called, they still do it). looking at the phone book ad, they take all insurances and their Palm Desert office is 73555 San Gorgonio Way, ####-###-####.Good luck. M. R.