Seeking Pediatrician in Milwaukie/clackamas Area

Updated on September 01, 2008
N.G. asks from Portland, OR
8 answers

Hi Moms! my pediatrician just moved- anyone have a great one in my area? actually, anywhere in portland is fine with me- i'll travel for the right doctor. I'd like someone with an open mind that keeps up on all the latest research- like a portland version of dr. oz : ) please let me know why you like your doc. my old doc was with oregon/clackamas pediatrics- any info on anyone there would be great!

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answers from Portland on

I'm just going to add that I love the Clackamas Pediatric Clinic too! My son has seen Dr. Ell, Dr. Hadeed, Dr. Brown, Alyssa Pace (she's not an MD, but she's great!) and one other Dr. Stober (he was the one my son seemed most comfortable with). I love that clinic though and I love that you can see another doctor if your main doc isn't available. If you want to do that. Dr. Ell is our main doc and my son does like her. I don't have a bad thing to say about the clinic though. Good luck on your search.



answers from Portland on

are you talking about dr. brown? wasn't she great! we were "given" her 3 years ago when we moved here and i couldn't believe how great our relationship turned out.

have you tried to make an appointment with drs. hadeed or shau? i have friends with kids who see both of them and they rave about how fantastic they are. that way you can stay in the same office with paperwork and nurses being the same. it's worth a shot; maybe at her next appointment.



answers from Portland on

I don't know if this is too far out of the area you are looking at or not but the Sellwood Medical Clinic has two exceptional pediatricians. Dr. Monique Pritchard (our son's primary care physician) and Dr. Lawley (the latest addition to the team). We've recently had the opportunity to work with both doctors and have been more than impressed. When I spoke with Pritchard about my concerns with vaccines, autism, etc., she advised they no longer use the specific vaccines that had mercury in them, etc. I haven't asked her specifically but she is very supportive of our decision to use attachment parenting philosophy. (This is not meant to say she wouldn't be supportive of other styles as well.) I don't know if Pritchard is currently taking on new patients but I believe Lawley is. We've spoken to her the last couple of appointments and she is caring and thoughtful and our son seems very intrigued by her southern(?) accent.

Best of luck!



answers from Portland on

I love Dr. Rupa Shah with North Clackamas Pediatric Clinic. I can tell you of two events that took me from feeling confident in her skills and admiring the way she took my concerns and thoughts about my children seriously, to being head over heels in love with her.

First Time: It was about 5:15 on a winter afternoon. I was scheduled for a 4:30 appointment with an associate doctor to see both of my small kids. The kids were feeling awful ~ ear infections, horrible cold, general misery. Dr. Shah was on her way home when she spotted us in the waiting room. She apologized for the delay that we were experiencing and commented that they had seen a lot of sick kids in the office that week. She headed to the elevator and said good night to us.

About two seconds later, the door opened and Dr. Shah walked over. She said she could tell the kids were feeling bad and she didn't want us to wait any longer. She took us to an exam room and cared for the kids. The woman looked dog tired, but she went the extra mile to make sure we were okay.

Second Time: My daughter had just landed in the hospital with her first asthma attack. It was an overwhelming and scary situation for both of us. We went to a few follow up appointments at NCPC but I left feeling dissatisfied that we had too many doctors and not enough communication between them. Frankly, I was in new waters and wanted to make sure that I was doing everything possible for my daughter. I decided to find another doctor.

Much to my surprise, Dr. Shah called me at home. She heard that we were leaving her practice and she wondered why. I told her that I was having a hard time booking an appoinment with her because she was so busy and I felt that I needed HER expertise and hers alone. She promised me that she would always be available for my daughter any time we needed her. That was two years ago and she's been very true to her word.

Excellent doctor and a very good person!



answers from Portland on

I know that my sister and many of her friends take their children to that same place. When we were all golfing I am trying to remember which ones they said they liked. We were having a big discussion about what we did or did not like about our pediatricians.

I think the one that one of the mothers was really happy with was Alyssa Pace. She isn't an MD, but was extremely happy with all the advice she gave, and seemed to really care about the child as well as the mother who was dealing with major sleep deprivation. Gave her a plan to help with her 11 month old not sleeping through the night, and gave her the confidence that she would be able to do it. She also said that she had a child that was between 2 and 4. Not sure of exact age though.

I think there is one that they really don't like at all. My sister actually refuses to take her daughter to this specific doctor even if it is a last minute appointment. I wouldn't like to guess though. If you would like I will see her on Monday and can ask her then and get back to you. I think she has seen pretty much all of them since her daughter has a tendency to get lots of ear infections. Plus I know at least 3 of her friends also use the same clinic so I can ask them as well.

Feel free to email me if you would like me to gather more information. I know that it would probably be nice to stay in the same office so you don't have to deal with transferring all your daughters records. You might also check if they can do a meet and greet with a few of the different doctors in the office. I don't know if they do this, but I know that my pediatrician's office allowed me to meet with a few of the different doctors to see which one I wanted to choose as my son's doctor. Maybe this clinic does the same thing. It doesn't hurt to call and ask.



answers from Portland on

We love Dr. Monique Pritchard. She practices at Sellwood Medical Clinic on 13th, a few blocks S of Tacoma. She is down to earth, encouraging, pays attention to current research, and acknowledges parents concerns. We moved to Seattle for a while and I was so happy to get back to Portland to see her again.



answers from Portland on

dr.jacoby lowe in oregon city



answers from Portland on

Hi there~!

We use Dr. Anne Vestegaard at Broadway Medical. She is young and very bright. She is up on all the new research and makes herself very available. I also like her partners.

Lizzie :-)

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