There is a big correlation between asthma and milk allergies, especially if you experience nasal congestion and sinus irritation. The unfortunate thing is, many asthma medications have milk in them. You can do a couple of things, get tested for some food allergies, particularly to dairy, wheat, peanuts and tree nuts or do an elimination diet for 3wks and slowly introduce the foods back in one by one. If you get a reaction, you have your answer. Best to do this with a notebook.
Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother Daughter Wisdom, states: "Dairy is a tremendous mucus producer and a burden on the respiratory, digestive, and immune systems." Dr. Northrup says that patients who "eliminate dairy products for an extended period and eat a balanced diet … suffer less from colds and sinus infections."
I;ve included a link to my family health column on food allergies, feel free to browse, you may find some worthy info (even if it has to do with kids, adults react the same way) http://www.examiner.com/x-7158-Chicago-Family-Health-Exam...
Ever since I rid dairy, I no longer have hayfever or any other fall allergies. I've saved myself quite a bit of money and am much healthier!
Good Luck!
Maternal and Child Health Educator
Chicago Family Health Examiner