I had no morning sickness with my first but had morning sickness for 8 weeks with my second....... Good luck and enjoy this time and Congratulations =)
I will be 3 months pregnant tomorrow and I have a 2 concerns. One being that I haven't felt sick some say that might mean the baby is not healthy is this true?? Also I've been starting to feel sore and crampy is that normal
I had no morning sickness with my first but had morning sickness for 8 weeks with my second....... Good luck and enjoy this time and Congratulations =)
Normal concerns but being sick is no indication of anything. I wasn't sick at all with my two pregnancies and feeling sore and crampy is very very normal. Hope that helps!
First I suggest that any and all concerns you should ask your ob so they can help put your mind at ease. Second I will tell you w/ my first I was never tired and never sick so that is just bogus that someone told you that. Third I was sore and crampy and sick sick sick every pregnancy is different what was normal for one person to feel may not be normal for you to feel. The cramping and sore feeling is probably just everything stretching I could feel it the entire time I was pregnant with my second and it did freak me out all the time and every time I had those feelins of uncertainty I did call my ob just for some reassurance and always felt much better after doing so.
Congrats on your pregnancy!! My daughter is 18 months old now, but it doesn't seem that long ago that I was having the same concerns as you. You should call your doctor. They will be able to put your mind at ease. I'm the type of person who doesn't want to inconvenience anyone and never wanted to call the dr. but I did and they were always wonderful and I felt better. That being said; I was NEVER sick at all during my pregnancy and my daughter was born BIG and healthy. She has been a very healthy and normal child. The sore, crampy feeling is totally normal. Your uterus is stretching and moving to accommodate this new little one and it's going to be a little uncomfortable at times. I used to get a pain in my side everytime I stood up and called my dr. It was ligiment pain and totally normal. Please be assured that these symptoms...or lack thereof are normal. But, call your OB just to feel better about it.
That's a lie. I never had a single pregnancy symptom, except no period until my son started to move. It makes it hard to beleive in a way. I just expected to have something. As for the cramping and soreness I'd say normal. Your body is going through lots of changes. Be sure to tell your Dr how you are feeling to make sure. Good Luck!
Hi C.,
Not feeling sick is normal (morning sickness is not just in the morning for some woman and sometimes it just doesn't happen)I had no sickness with my son and with my daughter I was sick all day and night for the first 3 moths!
Feeling crampy can be the uterus stretching - it can get pretty intense at times! If there is no bleeding with the cramping I wouldn't be worried. If you have bleeding call your doctor.
Try to take a deep breath and relax. It is a long ride!! Congratultions.
Some people have morning sickness, others don't. It's not an indication of an unhealthy baby. The cramping, on the other hand, is something you should bring up with your ob. It might be nothing, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Not Everyone gets morning sickness, just keep your appointments and take your vitamins..if you have worries make another appt. Do not let Anyone tell you 'all women do this or that' those of us who DID Not have morning sickness Do Not Talk About It as othe rmos who did get mad!!!! Really lol Good Luck, stay safe and be happy
C., don't worry. Not everyone gets morning sickness nor do they get any symptoms of being pregnant! I am almost 6 months pregnant with my third child, and I had no symptoms other than being tired! and NONE of my pregnancies have been the same. The cramping is normal (to a point) as your uterus is growing and the ligaments that hold it in place stretch to accomodate it. if you have any doubts call your ob, but you are probably fine!
I have 3 kids and was never sick with any of them
Hi C.,
I spent most of my first pregnancy in a vague state of anxiety and one of my fears was that I never felt sick (at worst a little queasy...occasionally) and I had heard the same things about being sick being a sign of a healthy baby. Well, my daughter is now 15 months old, has never been sick and is bright and wonderful. I just happen to be one of those lucky people who didn't have to endure morning sickness and it looks like you might be one too! Enjoy it! I'm pregnant with my second, no morning sickness this time either. I'm beginning to think that it is an old wives tale told to comfort those who are sick! Relax.
Sore and crampy I know less about. Feeling sore is par for the course, but it depends what you mean by crampy. It is totally normal to feel pains that are a little sharp and achy, that's just the stretching of those abdominal ligaments/muscles. Your whole body is stretching out so some discomfort is normal. Definitely ask your doctor about it, but don't feel too anxious yet. Good luck!
I had one friend who didn't have one sign of sickness for her first pregnancy, she couldn't even tell she was pregnant, 2nd pregnancy she had to call into work she was so sick! the soreness could easily be your uterus stretching and your hip muscles stretching- I would go to the doctor if you have cramping, they always told me to come in to be safe no matter how little the pain- it would reassure you - I would ask to go in ASAP and if the cramping is significant enough you can go to the labor emergency room but if you call they should set you up for an US immediately- for a long time, probably 16 weeks, I felt like I was getting my period!
If you feel sore and crampy then it would hurt to call the Dr. AS for not feeling sick, I didn't find out I was pregnant with my son till I was 13 weeks! I wasn't sick at all and I didn't get tired till very late in my first trimester/early second
I'm 38 weeks with a pregnancy that was pretty much lacking in sickness (I'd sometimes get so hungry that I'd feel sick, but no morning sickness) and I was pretty crampy. Like so many others have said, every pregnancy is different, but sore and crampy is certainly not abnormal. Good luck.
People say nausea is good to comfort those women who are ill, but it winds up scaring those who aren't sick!! I was never nauseated at all and had a perfectly healthy baby! Cramping is also very common so try not to worry (yeah right, I know ot's so hard) and realize that your body is adjusting in its own way. Good luck!
It is perfectly okay not to have symptoms or be sick. It is an old wives tale that if you are not sick that is some indication of an unhealthy pregnancy. With my first son I had absolutely no symptoms and he is now a big healthy 14 yr old boy. Being sore and crampy is also totally normal. Your body is changing to accomodate that little person that is growing in side of you. Be prepared for plenty more aches and pains throughout your pregnancy. Consider yourself lucky that you aren't getting sick! It isn't fun.
Not all women get sick during pregnancy. As long as your doctor says everything is OK when you go to your prenatal visits, dont worry. Also, dont listen to people who try to scare you; you will have a much happier and less stressful pregnancy, which is good for you and your baby. Worrying isnt healthy for a pregnant woman.
Feeling sore and crampy is completely normal. As long as it isnt extreme pain in your uterus area accompanied by heavy bleeding, you are fine.
Hi C.,
I didn't have any morning sickness at all when I was pg with my son. I did have some of the soreness and crampiness but it was just the normal feeling of the fetus attaching and my uterus growing. If it is super painful, maybe you should call the doc just to be sure but I'm sure everything is fine! Congrats! You will love being a Mom!!
A. B.
Not at all. I got sick maybe twice with my first and it was further along in my pregnancy. As a matter of fact my 2nd and 3rd I didn't have morning sickness with either. At the very end of both of those pregnancies I got very sick and dehydrated, but nothing in the beginning. As far as sore and crampy your uterous is expanding. So all sounds totally normal. If you're really worried you can always call your doctor. But enjoy the lack of morning sickness ;).
I didn't read the other posts, so I apologize if I am repeating what has been said.
If you are concerned at all, call your Doctor, it is what they are there for. Stress isn't good for the baby, so if you are just sitting at home worrying it won't help and chances are everything is going to be fine.
I had a few times when I was crampy during my pregnancy and I was very worried since I had several previous miscarriages, but they were simply because I wasn't staying hydrated. So my advice is to sit down, relax and drink 32 oz in the next hour and if you are still feeling crampy call the doctor. What's the risk of calling just to be certain?
Good luck
I wouldn't be too worried about the not feeling sick part. A co worker of mine was recently pregnant and didn't feel any of the typical sick symptoms. However, feeling sore & crampy, I would definitely call the Dr on Monday & see about getting in there to get it checked as it could be something as simple as the baby being lodged in the fallopian tubes or a sign that something else is wrong. If the cramps are really bad & you don't feel as though it can wait that long, go to the ER. Good luck!
I was never sick at with my pregnancy and my daughter was just fine. She was 9lbs 2oz and nothing wrong. I would bring this up with your ob but I think your source told you an old wives tale. Good luck and enjoy your pregnancy!
I never got morning sickness once while I was pregnant. I now have a 6-year-old who is extremely healthy. I think she's maybe had 3 fevers her whole life and that's about it, so don't worry about not being sick - count your blessings on that one!
Welcome to the group - don't be shy about sending questions, people here are very helpful and sympathetic.
You sound like me! I felt great my whole pregnancy, never had any sickness or fatique or any other symptoms that most women experience. Enjoy your pregnancy (I know sounds weird) I never felt as healthy as I did while I was carrying my daughter, who is now 6 months 4 days old and the happiest healthiest little bundle of joy!
Hi! I would not worry about not feeling sick. I have 2 daughters and did not get sick at all throughout my pregnancies, they were both born healthy and are now 8 and 10 and still healthy. As far as the cramping, I also experienced this during the first trimester and was told by my doctor that this was normal. You are obviously concerned, so just to be safe you should probably speak with your doctor just to ease your mind. Good luck!!
I have a 14 month old and my pregnancy was the same as yours. I never had morning sickness through the whole pregnancy and I had some cramping in the early stages. I wouldn't worry about either, but you can always run it by your doctor especially with the cramping. They are used to hearing every question under the sun. What you shouldn't do is keep your fears/ questions to yourself. During my pregnancy I had no idea what was going on or what to expect, I think if I just spoke up with my doctor and nurses I would have had an easier time. Sometimes they assumed that I knew certain things which I didn't.
I did not feel sick at all and have a healthy happy kid. THe crampy ans sore all depends on where, there are a LOT of changes happening in your body right now and as the baby gets bigger and starts having an impact of everything in you body that was there first then things get squeezed, shifted, and expanded there is going to be some discomfort.
Talk to your OB of you are really worried.
Good Luck, Nat
I wasn't sick with either of my two pregnancies (my mom was never really sick with her kids, either, so maybe genetics play a role). I think I read that maybe 70% of women have morning sickness, so count yourself lucky!
As for the cramping, that is very normal with a first baby especially. As my midwife explained to me, your uterus is stretching and expanding so you're likely to feel that a bit. It often happens more in the evening when you've settled down. I think I felt crampy for several months with the first baby (not much at all with the 2nd) -- but then there are other fun aches and pains as you go along! It never hurts to check with your OB/midwife, but most likely everything is going along normally. Congratulations and enjoy your pregnancy and little one!
Be thankful you are not sick. I am 5 mos and still sick. Lot's of my friends were not sick at all. Also, at 3 months you can start getting ligament pains. Your body is adjusting to the little one growing and being crampy and sore can definately be side affects.
Good luck and rejoice not feeling sick!!!!
yes 1st call your dr. but, count your blessings if you aren't feeling sick! I was for both of my girls. I couldn't even walk into a grocery store!
If its your first pregnancy the sore/crampyness could be due to your uterus stretching and beginning to push your organs around. I was not sick at all, in fact hardly felt pregnant with my 2nd, my son who is now 2. He was as and still is as healthy as can be weighing in at nearly 9 lbs at birth. Every pregnancy is different, good luck! I am sure everything is fine, but your concern just shows what a caring mom you are sure to be!
I am a new mom to a three week old boy. When I was pregnant I NEVER had any morning sickness whatsoever. They just said I was one of the lucky ones. Your cramping could be round ligament pain, I had that often. Just ask your doc if you are concerned. Good luck!